Physical Review Journals Symposium and Awards
sponsored by:
APS Best Theoretical Paper Award
Title: Nonreciprocal And Non-Hermitian Material Response Inspired By Semiconductor Transistors
Authors: Sylvain Lannebère, David E. Fernandes, Tiago A. Morgado, Mário G. Silveirinha
Sylvain Lannebère
APS Best Experimental Paper Award
Title: Virtual Excitations Enhance the Resolution of Metamaterial Superlenses
Authors: Seunghwi Kim, Yu-Gui Peng, Simon Yves, Andrea Alù
Seunghwi Kim
APS Best Applied Paper Award
Title: Inverse Design of Stacked Metasurfacesusing a 2D-Genetic Algorithm
Authors: Marie Braasch, Jan Sperrhake, Thomas Pertsch
APS Best Poster Award
Title: A T-matrix Based Approach to Homogenize Materials and Metamaterials
Authors: Benedikt Zerulla, Ramakrishna Venkitakrishnan, Dominik Beutel, Marjan Krstić, Christof Holzer, Carsten Rockstuhl, Ivan Fernandez-Corbaton
Ramakrishna Venkitakrishnan
Physical Review Journals Symposium
The conference organizers and the editors of Physical Review invite you to a Special Session dedicated to a few selected works published recently in the Physical Review journals, within and beyond the traditional domain of metamaterials research.
Confirmed Invited Speakers:
Adam C. Overvig
Ady Arie
Ana Diaz-Rubio
Emanuele Galiffi
Diego M. Solis
Marco Peccianti
Muamer Kadic
Nicolae C. Panoiu
Physical Review Journals Awards
The Organizers are very proud to announce the 2022 Best Paper Awards and 2022 Best Poster Award, sponsored by APS Physics.
The Best Paper Awards have been created to recognize the scientific quality of research in three different domains (Applied/Theory/Experiments) whereas the Best Poster Award is not related to a specific domain.
All papers/posters presented at the conference, except for invited and plenary contributions, are eligible. The winners will be announced during the conference closing ceremony.